I have a shortcode that generates a gallery, given the gallery ID.
function rb_scroll_gallery_shortcode( $atts, $content ) {
$a = shortcode_atts( array(
'id' => -1,
), $atts );
$gallery_ID = $a['id'];
$output = '';
if($gallery_ID != -1){
$gallery = new RB_Scroll_Gallery($gallery_ID);
$output = ob_get_clean();
return $output;
add_shortcode( 'rb_scroll_gallery', 'rb_scroll_gallery_shortcode' );
Now, I've made a Gutenberg block that works perfectly in the editor. You can select a gallery and it will save. However, I dont want to repeat code and have the html in the save property and in the php code.
So I was wondering if there is a way to use that same rb_scroll_gallery_shortcode
function to render the block in the front end.
I've seen that you can use register_block_type
and set the render_callback
to rb_scroll_gallery_shortcode
, but I need the ID selected in the block to send it to the function in the $atts
//This uses the shortcode funtion, but doesn't gives the gallery ID
register_block_type( 'cgb/block-rb-scroll-gallery-block', array(
'render_callback' => 'rb_scroll_gallery_shortcode',
) );
I've found out the little thing that messed up my code. The problem wasn't that the render_callback()
wasn't getting any attributes (though it wasn't), but it was that the editor wasn't saving them because I forgot to remove some testing data from the attribute galleryID
In the registerBlockType:
The save()
method should return null
The attribute should not have a selector data, since it is used to find the value on the markup return by the save()
, wich in this case returns null
. I've forgot to remove this data, thats why the attribute wasn't being saved.
attributes: {
galleryID: {
type: 'string',
//This data should only be set if the value can be found in the markup return by save().
//Since save() returns null, we let it out
/*source: 'attribute',
/*attribute: 'data-gallery-id',
/*selector: '.rb-scroll-gallery-holder',*/