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visual studio code looks blurry

Here are my visual studio code version details:

Version: 1.26.1
Commit: 493869ee8e8a846b0855873886fc79d480d342de
Date: 2018-08-16T18:38:57.434Z
Electron: 2.0.5
Chrome: 61.0.3163.100
Node.js: 8.9.3
V8: 6.1.534.41
Architecture: x64

Once I updated to this version, the entire app started looking blurry. It was fine before the update and has been looking fine on this windows 10 machine.

I got other Microsoft Apps - Office Word, Excel and the rest, and they all fine. Visual Studio (regular) looks fine. Its this software and only since the latest update to 1.26.1

visual studio code looks blurry

Note: There is one other software which always had a blurry appearance, and that is Postman. I assumed that it is a Postman issue so never got around to fixing it or try fixing. adding this here if there is a connection but the question is primarily about Code, and how I could fix the appearance problem.

Update 1 :

So, I opened Postman and that also has stopped being blurry. So, looks like the blame does fall on AMD Radeon rather than MS or Postman developers.


  • First of all please accept my apologize for not responding so soon, I am afraid I can't provide you with a feedback because the issue were my AMD Radeon Graphics Drivers, after an Update was released the issue was gone. Thanks for your hard work!

    Read this comment on github.

    It is possible that there is some kind of an issue with your Graphic card, try updating your Graphic card drivers.