When my query asks for a single response everything is OK, but when I try to get a whole list, it gives my this error:
Record name=u'Tom Hanks' relations=12> /home/roldanx/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neo4j/v1/api.py:772: UserWarning: Expected a result with a single record, but this result contains 13
Which only gives me the first row of the list (Tom Hanks, 12). Is there any way I can get the whole list? This is my code:
from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase
driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "password"))
session = driver.session()
def degree():
return session.run("""
MATCH(a:Person{name:"Tom Hanks"})--(b)
return a.name AS name, count(distinct b) AS relations
MATCH (a:Person{name:"Tom Hanks"})--(b)--(c)
return b.title AS name, (count(distinct c)+1) AS relations
deg = degree().single()
When you run a cypher query, a BoltStatementResult is returned. It provides a handle to the result of the query, but also some metadata. So you can't directly typecast it into a list. But it is iterable, so you can simply loop over the result to get all the records:
result = degree()
entire_result = [] # Will contain all the items
for record in result: