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const value changing when variable accessing that const is updated in angular/typescript

This is stackblitz demo (not exact but somewhat idea of what problem I am trying to tell)

I have defined a const in src/app/constants/app.ts

export const DEFAULT_FILTERS = {
    "sortOrder": "asc",

I have done this to remove clutter from different interconnected components where I need to define filters as a variable and then using it.


import { DEFAULT_FILTERS} from '@app/constants/app';

export class listingComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

    private for = someOtherconstant; // some other const used here.

    private params = {
        "filters": DEFAULT_FILTERS,
        "for": this.for

    getNewRecords(pageNum) {
        console.log('default filters', DEFAULT_FILTERS)
        this.currentPageNum = pageNum;
        this.params['filters']['page'] = this.currentPageNum; 

The console.log inside getNewRecords prints DEFAULT_FILTERS which I have changed no where still the page index inside DEFAULT_FILTERS because I am changing this.params['filters']['page'] = this.currentPageNum. Why?

I need a global const which I want to keep const for diff components so that I can reset the filters value whenever required.


If I use object.freeze then I am not able to change the property this.params like:

this.params['filters']['name'] = 'xyz'

So what could be the other way to keep DEFAULT_FILTER as global variable/const and then I can access it or change it and change the new variable which is accessing it but not the global val?


  • You can copy the const value instead of referencing it. However, as soon as you copy, it loses the connection with the original value; nonetheless, as it is a const value, it is not supposed to be changed, so it wouldn't be a problem.

    You can copy the object by using the ... (spread) operator like the code bellow:

    private params = {
        "filters": { ...DEFAULT_FILTERS },
        "for": this.for

    Alternatively, you can create a class with a static property getter that always return a fresh object so there is no risk of losing the original value.

    class Constants {
      static get DEFAULT_FILTERS() {
        return {
          "page": 1,
          "perPage": 10,
          "sortOrder": "asc",
          "tag": "all",
          "sortBy": "firstname"
    let myDefaultFilter = Constants.DEFAULT_FILTERS; = 2; = 3; // forcing changes
    console.log( // changes
    console.log( // stays the same