I have a build running in VSTS for my apps and I want to distribute these builds through Microsoft appcenter. However, I cant find a way to distribute directly into Play Store, only to distribution groups.
For distribution groups all I do is add the correct id in the release step in VSTS release task. I am using Deploy "AppName" to Visual Studio App Center task in VSTS:
However, the different play store (or app store) distribution options does not have the same Ids.
The store id is hard to find, I came across the same problem.
Eventually I found that you can get it in App Center by going to your App > Distribute > [Store] and then looking in the browser's network requests. The 'latest_release' request returns an object with a property of 'distribution_stores' that will list your store connections, complete with 'id'.
There has to be a neater way to find this, surely, but this works for now.
Thanks to the response from @ruffen, it appears there is indeed a neater way. There is now an App Centre api endpoint available, here: https://openapi.appcenter.ms/#/distribute/stores_list
Just look for the same id property in the response.