I want to do something like this:
type Struct1 struct {
var1 int
type i interface {
func (s Struct1) display() {
func check(i interface{}) {
func main() {
data := struct {
I have a function in an external dependency that accepts and returns interface{} type. That function type asserts a struct(let's say Struct1). The struct has fields that are not exported to I cannot create an instance of it to pass to the function. I know what fields it has, their names and types. Is it possible to send data not of type Struct1 that can be asserted to become Struct1 type.
Can you type assert an anonymous struct?
Of course you can! But there are limitations.
Some things that will work:
Assert to a matching anonymous struct:
x := interface{}(struct { Count int }{Count: 5})
fmt.Printf("x's count: %d\n", x.(struct{Count int}).Count)
Assert to an interface:
type Fooer interface {
type X struct {}
func (x X) Foo() { fmt.Printf("X Fooed\n") }
func main() {
x := interface{}(struct { X }{ X{} }) // An anonymous struct which embeds X
Some things that won't work:
Assert to a matching anonymous struct from another package, with un-exported fields.
x := url.UserPassword("foo","bar")
fmt.Printf("Username: %s\n", x.(struct{username string; password string; passwordSet bool}).username)