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Add a new stemmer to nltk

I have this python function that works as expected. Is it possible to save the logic as NLP stemmer? If yes, what changes needs to be done?

import itertools, re
def dropdup(mytuple):
    for i in mytuple:
        i = i[:-3] if i.endswith('bai') else i
        for r in (("tha", "ta"), ("i", "e")):
            i = i.replace(*r)
            i = re.sub(r'(\w)\1+',r'\1', i)
        newtup.append(''.join(i for i, _ in itertools.groupby(i)))
    return tuple(newtup)

dropdup(('savithabai', 'samiiir', 'aaaabaa'))
('saveta', 'samer', 'aba')

I will like the users to import something like this...

from nltk.stemmer import indianNameStemmer

There are a few more rules to be added to the logic. I just want to know if this is a valid (pythonic) idea.


  • First see

    Create a file

    import itertools, re
    from nltk.stem import StemmerI
    class MyStemmer(StemmerI):
        def stem(self, token):
            itoken = token[:-3] if token.endswith('bai') else token
            for r in (("tha", "ta"), ("i", "e")):
                token = token.replace(*r)
                token = re.sub(r'(\w)\1+',r'\1', token)
            return ''.join(i for i, _ in itertools.groupby(token))


    >>> from mystemmer import MyStemmer
    >>> s = MyStemmer()
    >>> s.stem('savithabai')