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PS is not creating a new file everytime

I am using the following PS cmdlets to create a new json file every time it is executed. The existing json file should be overwritten

$jsonformatOutput = "JSON-BEGIN" + $jsonOutput + "JSON-END"
$jsonformatOutput | New-Item -path $myFileName -Force

However, a new json file is not created if their is already an existing one with the same filename.


  • New-Item isn't the function to choose for this situation (since it literally should only be used to create New-Items).

    What you should use instead, is Out-File

    $jsonformatOutput = "JSON-BEGIN" + $jsonOutput + "JSON-END"
    $jsonformatOutput | Out-File -Filepath $myFileName

    This writes the Variable to the file $myFileName and overwrites the file if it still exists.

    If you want to add content to an existing file instead of overwriting it, you can use -Append.