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How to send parameters to backend, and get response message, using GET method in volley, android?

I want to send three parameters "guestEmail", "latitude" and "longitude" to backend and get a message of success from backend if it is successful.

I have tried doing this:

public void myGetFunc()

final String url = "....";

// prepare the Request
JsonObjectRequest getRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, null,
    new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() 
        public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {   
                        // display response     
            Log.d("Response", response.toString());
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), response.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    new Response.ErrorListener() 
         public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {            
            Log.d("Error.Response", response);


    protected Map<String, String> getParams() 
            Map<String, String>  params = new HashMap<String, String> ();  
            params.put("guestEmail", "[email protected]");  
            params.put("latitude", "12");
            params.put("longitude", "12");

            return params;  

// add it to the RequestQueue   

This method is invoked when the 'SOS' button is clicked. But right now, nothing happens on clicking the 'SOS' button.

Please help!


  • If you are going to use GET you query parameters and build the string yourself

    private static final String URL = "{val1}&value2={val2}";
    String requestString = URL;
    requestString.replace("{val1}", "1");
    requestString.replace("{val2}", "Bob");
    StringRequest strreq = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET,
          new Response.Listener<String>() {
             public void onResponse(String Response) {
                      // get response
          }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
             public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError e) {

    If you are going to use POST us a body

    public class LoginRequest extends Request<String> {
        // ... other methods go here
        private Map<String, String> mParams;
        public LoginRequest(String param1, String param2, Listener<String> listener, ErrorListener errorListener) {
            super(Method.POST, "http://test.url", errorListener);
            mListener = listener;
            mParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
            mParams.put("paramOne", param1);
            mParams.put("paramTwo", param2);
        public Map<String, String> getParams() {
            return mParams;