Hello my fellow developers!
I am currently struggling with a problem in the latest Visual Studio 2017 Professional - Version 15.8(.1).
Since The Update to Version 15.8, I am unable to publish any Azure Function via Web Deploy.
Every time i press the "Publish" button, I simply get an error window saying: "Publish failed". The Output window stays empty, where normally I would get all the build and publishing output.
What I've tired:
- Cleaned the solution; deleted %temp%; deleted the publishing profile; reset the publish credentials in Azure; build it all again and import a newly generated publish profile: Same Error
- Uninstalled VS2017; Cleaned all remains; Reinstalled VS2017: Same Error
- Checked our Firewall, if anything gets blocked and even tried an exception for my workstation to allow all traffic: Same Error
- Tried publishing from a physically different Network: Same Error
- Stop the Function in the azure portal prior to publishing: Same Error
- In the azure portal: Delete an create a new and empty azure function to publish to: Same Error
- In the azure portal: Set the 'Function app edit mode' to Read/Write: Same Error
- Tried to hit the functions Endpoint-URL in the browser. No Problem.
- Tried to publish from a colleagues workstation with Visual Studio 2017 Pro Version 15.7.1: Works fine - as used to
My Questions:
- Am I missing something? Is there anything else I can try except installing an older version of Visual Studio, which would be my next step.
- Could this be a bug in the latest Azure Tools or even Visual Studio?
- Why is my Output window not giving me any information to address the failing publishing attempt? Am I missing some new option to activate this again?
I hope someone can point me in the right direction to solve this infuriating issue ;)
After fiddling around with the deployment Settings in Azure, I think I managed to solve this issue. I am not sure what did the trick exactly, but I could reproduce it for all my pending deployments. Also now I have my publishing log in the output window back without changing any Option in VS.
So, if anyone experiences the same problem, try this - something in the list triggered it to work again:
- Go into the Azure Portal -> Function Apps -> Select your Function -> Open the "Platform features" Tab
- Under "Code Depolyment" choose "Deployement credentials".
- Change the credentials to anything you like and save.
- Redownload the publish profile from the "Overview" Tab.
- Import the Publish Profile and publish from VS.
- If it still doesn't work
- Again go into the Portal -> "Overall" Tab.
- Press "Reset publish credentials"
- In VS create a new publish profile with "Run from ZIP" cheked. And try to publish. Then revert to the old Web Deploy Method and try to publish again.
- If again it still doesn't work
- Redownload the publish profile from the "Overview" Tab.
- Import the Publish Profile and publish from VS.
I have no idea, why this works, as I thought the "Code Deploy" Credentials are purely optional and I never needed to change any of the settings in the past to publish a function, simply download the profile and done. So "something" has changed maybe?
Maybe I did something wrong? I really can't tell.