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Setting a TaskCompletionSource to Cancel state faults WCF channel

I have an async WCF operation which I am cancelling on a certain condition (see below). However, I am getting Faulted event at client side after this. I also have a FaultHandler configured at Server side but the call does not go to HandleError or ProvideFault.

Is this the default behavior of Task based WCF operation? Shouldn't we get a OperationCanceledException at client side?

Sample Code


Task<MyResult> CalculateResultAsync(SomeParameter parameter);

Service Side:

Task<MyResult> CalculateResultAsync(SomeParameter parameter)
    TaskCompletionSource<MyResult> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<MyResult>();

    Task.Run(() => {
        //do something
        //based on some condition cancel tcs

    return tcs.Task;


  • The implementation of the service does not change the SOAP protocol.

    If the service faulted (cancelled), than the client receives a fault.

    Besides that, using Task.Run on server code is usually a bad practice because it will be trading one thread pool thread for another and back again.