I seem to have an issue with detecting elements within webview on iOS, android seems fine.
When I call for tree to see visible items I get results, however whenever I try querying for any of the items I get no results. I have tried:
app.Query(c => c.WebView().Css("fullPage"))
app.Query(c => c.WebView().Css("#fullPage"))
app.Query(c => c.Marked("#userNameArea"))
app.Query(c => c.Id(("#userNameArea"))
I also tried using xPath with the same result.:
app.Query(c => c.XPath("//userNameInput"))
What am I doing wrong?
For those of you who came across similar Issue on iOS you have to call for Class instead of WebView itself. In my case I had to do:
app.Tap(c => c.Class("BrandU_iOS_AuthenticatingWebViewRenderer").Css("#userNameInput"));