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PHP PayPal payment validation

I'm developing a site for a client, and he wants people to be able to buy licenses/support contracts via PayPal. What I'm stumped on is how I can make the payments secure. My current idea is to generate a random string using MD5 or whatever, plug this into a database, and send it along with the rest of the PayPal button code. When the payment is completed, the user is redirected to a PHP page where there is code to update their information in the database. The only thing stopping a hacker giving themselves a license/whatever without paying is the random hash, which can be found out using a sniffer of some sort, and plugged into the POST data returned by the PayPal code.

So. My question is this: How do I execute custom PHP code only on a successful PayPal payment, without leaving any loopholes open for the more evil users of the interwebs?


  • I think you should use a Payment Gateway such as PayFlow