Say I have an object in 2D space that can rotate and then should move according to its rotation angle.
For example:
If angle is 0(pointing upwards), then on_timer
it should move 1 by Y and 0 by X.
If angle is 45, then it should move 1 by Y and 1 by X.
If pointing 90 degrees, then 0 by Y and 1 by X.
If pointing 135 degrees, then -1 by Y and +1 by X, etc.
Do you know any functions for calculating this?
well, it seems to move at different speeds for different angles.
For 0 degress (straight up) it moved by 1, but 45 begrees it moved sqrt(1^2 + 1^2) = 1.41.
I think you want to look at Sin and Cos.
X += Speed * Math.Cos(angle);
Y += Speed * Math.Sin(angle);
Regards Gert-Jan