I want to limit the construction of a case class to certain types and then be able to marshall that data back and forth.
For example, let's say I have a "home" case class that takes in a "kind" argument. I want to restrict the "kind" argument to a list of approved housing types, e.g., Apartment, Condo, etc.
object Home {
// this will create an implicit conversion to json object
implicit lazy val jsFormat = Jsonx.formatCaseClass[Home]
case class Home(owner: String, kind: HousingType)
What I need now is a way to marshall the various child types of HousingType
. For example, here are some relationships:
trait HousingType
case object Apartment extends HousingType
case object Condo extends HousingType
Predictably, attempting to use this without specifying an implicit conversion yields the following error:
"could not find implicit value for parameter helper: ... HousingType"
Is there a way to create a generic implicit conversion for this?
You have to specify how your JSON marshaller has to transform your case object
, as you have case class
, it's quite simple for JSON marshaller
to follow default behavior - take JSON field names from a case class
and their type.
You need to indicate how to marshall/unmarshall case object
directly, for instance via an implicit conversion.
implicit object HousingTypeMarshaller extends Writes[HousingType] {
def writes(housingType: HousingType) = housingType match {
case Apartment => Json.toJson("Apartment")
case Condo => Json.toJson("Condo")
p.s. I use usual play.json in this example because I didn't find any reason to use Jsonx
, suggest you faced a limitation on 22 fields with Play Json
, usual Play Json
is suitable for this situation with case object