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Htmlunit JavaScript Execution

I am planning to develop code for measure Web page loading time using HtmlUnit

Below is my code

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    final WebClient webClient = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.CHROME);
    final HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage("");
    long time = page.getWebResponse().getLoadTime();
    long loadEventEnd = Long.parseLong(page.executeJavaScript("window.performance.timing.loadEventEnd").getJavaScriptResult().toString());
    long navigationStart = Long.parseLong(page.executeJavaScript("window.performance.timing.navigationStart").getJavaScriptResult().toString());
    long timejs = loadEventEnd-navigationStart;        
    System.out.println("Html Unit Time : " + time + " JS Time : "+timejs);

when i execute the code each every time i got same result in the "timejs"

(i am comparing both times as a test)

i am stuck in here, please help me


  • The timing API is more or less a mock at the moment (version 2.32). Have a look at the code.

    As always patches are welcome.