On my application on login we're registering for Google Play Services nearby and on logout un-registering (code below). Even during registration, we're always first unsubscribing, before subscribing.
But after a few logout/login cycle the app keeps catching ApiException with the message ApiException: 2801: Will exceed MAX_PENDING_INTENTS_PER_APP=5
I know what the error means, but as far as I'm aware the code is unregistering first. So it shouldn't have reach that quota.
Subscribe code, run on-login and when beacons get updated
val nearby = Nearby.getMessagesClient(app, MessagesOptions.Builder()
val task = apis
.onSuccessTask { nearby.unsubscribe(BeaconReceiver.generatePendingIntent(app)) }
.onSuccessTask {
return@onSuccessTask if (beacons.isEmpty()) {
// if beacons is empty, I don't have to register anything,
Tasks.forResult(null as Void?)
} else {
val messageFilter = MessageFilter.Builder()
beacons.forEach {
messageFilter.includeIBeaconIds(it.proximityUuid, it.major, it.minor)
val options = SubscribeOptions.Builder()
nearby.subscribe(BeaconReceiver.generatePendingIntent(app), options)
// inside awaitResult there's Task.await, and catch/log exceptions
val result = awaitResult("Beacon", 30, task)
Unsubscribe code, run on every logout, almost the same as subscribe
val nearby = Nearby.getMessagesClient(app, MessagesOptions.Builder()
val geofence = GeofencingClient(app)
val task = GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance().checkApiAvailability(nearby, geofence)
.onSuccessTask { nearby.unsubscribe(BeaconReceiver.generatePendingIntent(app)) }
.onSuccessTask { geofence.removeGeofences(GeofenceReceiver.generatePendingIntent(app)) }
val result = awaitResult("SdkDisabled", 30, task)
and the PendingIntent code, it uses our explicit class and a static request code:
val intent = Intent(context, BeaconReceiver::class.java)
return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, BEACON_REQUEST_CODE, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT)
So question:
Why it's throwing exception and what can I do to properly unregister/unsubscribe?
Remove the PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT
on the call to getBroadcast()
when you unsubscribe.
When you unsubscribe, you need to provide a PendingIntent
that "matches" the one you used to subscribe. By using FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT
you are canceling the existing PendingIntent
and creating a new one and obvioulsy the new one does not "match" the one you used when you subscribed.
IMHO this is a bug in the Play Services library, because it isn't using the correct "matching" algorithm, because the PendingIntent
s should "match".