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Angular routing exceptions handing in error handler

How to handle navigation errors in ErrorHandler?

I tried using the following condition to check whether Error object is of NavigationError but it says false.

export class AppErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {

  constructor() { }

  handleError(error: Error) {
if (error instanceof NavigationError) {
      //do something here, may be notify or redirect to error page.

How to handle router navigation errors in ErrorHandler? I don't want to add wildcard routing.

Will the above condition works if the type is correct? If so, against what type I should check?


  • @prajwal

    try to use the next way to handle errors, it should works on 99.9% =):

    import { Router, NavigationError } from '@angular/router';
     constructor( private router: Router) { => e instanceof NavigationError).subscribe(e => {
      console.log(`NAV ERROR -> ${e}`);



    The right relative path is ./home, but I have tried to go on ./home2