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Get string between two specific characters in a string

How to remove anything before a given character and anything after a given character with preg_replace using a regular expression? Of course this could be done in many other ways like explode and striping the string. But I am curious about preg_replace and regex.

So the only thing I need from the string below is 03b and remove every thing before/and slash (/) and after/and dot (.)

$string = 'rmbefore/03b.rmafter'


  • You can use backreferences in preg_replace to do this:

    preg_replace('#.*/([^\.]+)\..*#', '$1', $input);

    This searches for anything up to a slash, then as much of the following string that is not a dot, put this in group 1 (thats the '()' around it), followed by a dot and something else and replaces it with the contents of group 1 (which is the expression within parentheses and should be "03b" in your example). Here is a good website about regex:

    Hope this helps.