I have a Double which can be positive or negative that I want to display in the following way:
For positive values:
For negative values:
And blank for 0 values
I've tried like this:
Double surcharge = ...
if(surcharge < 0){
cell.lblSurcharge.text = "-$" + String(format:"%.02f", surcharge)
}else if(surcharge > 0){
cell.lblSurcharge.text = "+$" + String(format:"%.02f", surcharge)
cell.lblSurcharge.text = nil
but for negative values it shows them like this:
How can I format it correctly, or remove the "-" from the Double?
You know that surcharge
is negative at that point, so just add -
to make it positive for the formatting. Also, you can move the "-$"
into the format string:
cell.lblSurcharge.text = "-$" + String(format:"%.02f", surcharge)
cell.lblSurcharge.text = String(format:"-$%.02f", -surcharge)
To do it all in one line, use the trinary operator (?:
) to handle zero and to add the sign to the format string:
cell.lblSurcharge.text = surcharge == 0 ? "" : String(format:"%@$%.02f", surcharge > 0 ? "+" : "-", abs(surcharge))