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Tensorflow Object Detection: use Adam instead of RMSProp

I'm training a CNN with this [.config file][1]:

rms_prop_optimizer: {
    learning_rate: {
      exponential_decay_learning_rate {
        initial_learning_rate: 0.004
        decay_steps: 800720
        decay_factor: 0.95
   momentum_optimizer_value: 0.9
   decay: 0.9
   epsilon: 1.0

As you can see there is a rms_prop as optimizer. What if I would like to use Adam? How am I supposed to edit this file?


  • if I'm right, you're trying to use the object_detection model with a pre-trained network offered by Tensorflow, am I right? Then, if you know a little of programming, you can take a look at models/research/object_detection/builders/ and see which are the optimizer that can be used and with which parameters. Instead if you just want a out-of-the-box solution, this is how I did:

    optimizer {
        # momentum_optimizer {
        adam_optimizer: {
          learning_rate: {
            manual_step_learning_rate {
              initial_learning_rate: .0002
              schedule {
                step: 4500
                learning_rate: .0001
              schedule {
                step: 7000
                learning_rate: .00008
              schedule {
                step: 10000
                learning_rate: .00004
          # momentum_optimizer_value: 0.9
        use_moving_average: false

    In my (little) experience I noticed that using the same learning_experience as momentum_optimizer makes the learning too fast and/or brings to NaN Losses, so I usually decrease it of 10 times or more. I'm trying just now. :)