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Show error or success from controller

I am using sweetAlert to show popUp message and i want to know if there's any why to show this alert from the controller


<form th:object="${ecran}"  th:action="@{/createIssue}"  method="post"  >

<a class="btn btn-outline-danger" type="submit" >Valider la demande</a>

My Alert

swal("Are you sure you want to do this?", {
buttons: ["Oh noez!", true],

public String creerUneDemande(@Valid @ModelAttribute("ecran") Ecran ecran, BindingResult result,
        RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {



  • You can achieve the same by setting a flag in controller using modal attribute and based on the flag value you can show the alert in view page.

    public String creerUneDemande(@Valid @ModelAttribute("ecran") Ecran ecran, BindingResult result,
            RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
    //if everything working fine then set the flag value

    In the view page accept the value of the flag inside javascript code and execute the condition something like below.

    if('${flag}' == 'showAlert'){
     swal("Are you sure you want to do this?", {
     buttons: ["Oh noez!", true],