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css errors in apostrophe-ui, best approach to solve it?

I was running my blog through a CSS Validator and found out some fonts that come out of the box are not being defined correctly, to be specific, this is in apostrophe/lib/modules/apostrophe-ui/public/css/global/fonts.less

@apos-ui-font-path: '/modules/apostrophe-ui/fonts/';

.apos-add-font('roboto', @apos-ui-font-path + 'roboto-regular-webfont');
.apos-add-font('roboto', @apos-ui-font-path + 'roboto-light-webfont', normal, 300);
.apos-add-font('roboto', @apos-ui-font-path + 'roboto-bold-webfont', normal, 500);

.apos-add-font('karla', @apos-ui-font-path + 'karla-regular-webfont');
.apos-add-font('karla', @apos-ui-font-path + 'karla-bold-webfont', normal, 700);

using variables added a space in the path, also, there were some extra '' in the compiled/minified css file. Just like the following line:

src: url(''/modules/apostrophe-ui/fonts/' 'roboto-regular-webfont'.eot');

In order to fix this I had to stop using a path variable, something like this:

.apos-add-font('roboto', '/modules/apostrophe-ui/fonts/roboto-regular-webfont');
.apos-add-font('roboto', '/modules/apostrophe-ui/fonts/roboto-light-webfont', normal, 300);
.apos-add-font('roboto', '/modules/apostrophe-ui/fonts/roboto-bold-webfont', normal, 500);

.apos-add-font('karla', '/modules/apostrophe-ui/fonts/karla-regular-webfont');
.apos-add-font('karla', '/modules/apostrophe-ui/fonts/karla-bold-webfont', normal, 700);

Also, moving the apostrophe-ui folder to my own lib folder resulted in duplicated css, so I did the changes in the original folder in node_modules, but this means all changes will be overwritten in the next npm update. Is it ok to remove the module from node_modules to avoid duplicated css code?


  • Hey thanks for raising this issue. Looks like the proper way to concatenate the string variable with another string looks like this

    Newly generated CSS passes (that part of the) validator :)

    This should be part of the next release