Lets say that the text "hello world" is printed out like so to a curses screen:
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "hello world")
Now, lets say that I wanted the letter 'e' (y,x position 1,0) to have the attribute A_BOLD
. How could I do this? Is there a function that just changes the attributes at a certain y,x position? I am using Python3.6 with curses (obviously)
EDIT: I tried using chgat, but it is not working as it should be. I used it like so:
stdscr.chgat(0, 1, curses.A_BOLD)
But this makes every single character after the x position has the attribute applied. I want only the character at the y,x position to be affected.
The Python curses wrapper has several variations of chgat
with different parameter lists. The one you should use is window.chgat(
y, x, num, attr)
If you want to move back to a given location, you would save the current location (which you obtain by getyx
, and then do a move
to the saved location.