Currently, I am using Python's smtplib package to send emails. I have a large list of emails I would like to verify if they exist. In most cases, getting a 250 message would suffice. However, for, you can put any handle and they will still say it exists.
Therefore, I am sending a message one by one. Is there a way to program a routine where if an email doesn't go through, smtplib would notify me of the non-working email? thanks!
If the email cannot be sent, it will raise an exception as per the docs. You could do something like the following:
cantSendErrors = (smptlib.SMTPHeloError, smptlib.SMTPSenderRefused) # Put any other suitable exceptions in this tuple
smptlib.sendmail(args, go, here)
except cantSendErrors:
# Your code here. You could email yourself or write the error to log file for later review, your choice.