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Gradle disable automatic subproject execution for specific task

I have a multi-project Gradle build and I customised the "run" task to do something a bit different in the root project. However, I don't want it to call the "run" task of each sub-project after completion, as it does now. But this behaviour should only be for this task, I want every other task to be recursively executed as is the default, but the run task not. I also cannot disable the run task globally for every subproject, because it does have a purpose in each subproject when executed on its own.


  • In the root build.gradle, consider the following (full example here):

    gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
        def hasRootRunTask = graph.hasTask(':run')
        if (hasRootRunTask) {
            graph.getAllTasks().each { task ->
                // look for :abc:run, :def:run etc
                def subRunTask = (task.path =~ /:.+:run/)
                if (subRunTask) {
                    println "TRACER skipping ${task.path} because ':run' was specified"
                    task.enabled = false

    This will check the task graph for :run. When it exists, then :abc:run (that is, a subproject task) will be disabled.

    Example output for root run task:

    $ gradle -q run 
    TRACER skipping :abc:run because ':run' was specified
    TRACER skipping :def:run because ':run' was specified
    TRACER executing run for path :

    Example output for run task in abc subproject on its own:

    $ gradle -q :abc:run 
    TRACER executing run for path :abc