I have a bash command that I run like this:
esearch -db protein -query "AVA17449.1" | elink -target nuccore | efetch -format ft
but I want to do this in R like this (which doesn't work)
output <- system("esearch -db protein -query "AVA17449.1" | elink -target nuccore | efetch -format ft")
What would be the proper way of invoking this command within R?
P.S. esearch can be installed with the command below
cd ~
perl -MNet::FTP -e \
'$ftp = new Net::FTP("ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov", Passive => 1);
$ftp->login; $ftp->binary;
gunzip -c edirect.tar.gz | tar xf -
rm edirect.tar.gz
builtin exit
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/edirect >& /dev/null || setenv PATH "${PATH}:$HOME/edirect"
either use single quotes:
cmd <- paste(c('esearch -db protein -query "AVA17449.1"',
'elink -target nuccore',
'efetch -format ft'),
collapse=" | ")
(the paste(...,collapse=...)
stuff isn't necessary, but might make your code more readable ...)
or protect the double-quote with backslashes: ... -query \"AVA17449.\" ...
The single-quote is probably more readable, but backslashes can work in more complex situations where you need both kinds of quotes within a string ...