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'ImportError: DLL load failed' when fetching MNIST original via sklearn

I am working on a Win10 PC with Python 3.5.4 64-bit and currently I am testing a jupyter notebook inside virtualenv.

The following code causes the error:

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata
mnist = fetch_mldata("MNIST original")

This is the complete error message:

ImportError: DLL load failed: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.

Or in English:

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

So far I've found several Stackoverflow threads and other posts with the same error message and all kind of Python packages. Usually a mixture of x86 and x64 installations (e.g. here or here) gets blamed, but everything seems to be fine with my installation. I already fully reinstalled Python, but I still get the same error...

Is there any way to check what might cause this error?


  • I had similar issue with loading of different types of data-sets but with Tensorflow. The easiest way to solve is to uninstall your previous Python 3.5/3.6.x and install the latest Python 3.6.6 (as of now) unless 3.7 is supported officially.

    Also remember to delete your old python site packages from appdata in Windows. Althrough it won't obstruct with your new python installation but its a good way to clear off your old Python installed packages.