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Comparing LSTM structure

I'm trying to build an LSTM model according to that picture. I'm a beginner in deep learning particulary WITH RNN structure, so i require your advice to lead me

LSTM Structure

so, for that i'm dealing with a dataframe of 70k users and 12k animes, my dataframe contains :

  • user id

  • user rating

  • anime id

  • genre : a list of tags associated with anime like : action, comedy, school ...etc.

  • users_tags : a list of 15 unique tags for unique user that i built thanks to tfifd method and some text data related to users

My dataframe looks like :

    anime_id    user_id user_rating name    tags    genre
0   1   234 9.0 Cowboy Bebop    drama , fi , mal action , military , sci fi , ...   Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Space
1   1   382 10.0    Cowboy Bebop    life , shiki , tv , thriller , movie short , c...   Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Space
2   1   160 9.0 Cowboy Bebop    fantasy , action , supernatural , tv , mystery...   Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Space
3   1   341 8.0 Cowboy Bebop    action , school , romance , new , short , mal ...   Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Space
4   1   490 9.0 Cowboy Bebop    mal adventure , movie short , school , strange...   Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, 

Here parameters i use for my model :

users = interactions_full_df.user_id.unique()
animes = interactions_full_df.anime_id.unique()
animes_tags = " ".join(interactions_full_df["genre"].unique()).split(",")
n_animes_tags = len(animes_tags)
n_users = len(users)
n_animes =  len(animes)
n_users_tags = 15

I put 100for my "latent dim" for embedding layer.

Here, my attempt to build this model. Can you say if i'm in the right way or not ?

    """ The lstm cell is the concatenation of 3 things : 
--> 1.0  Anime Embedding Vector
--> 2.0 Average of : 
        --> 2.1 Tags embedding vectors associated with the current anime
        --> 2.2 Tags embedding vectors associated with the next anime in a sequence
# 1.0
animes_input = Input(shape=[1],name='Anime')
animes_embedding = Embedding(n_animes + 1, 

""" I suppose we need Users embedding to find what's anime chosen by users ??"""
Users_input = Input(shape=[1],name='Users')
Users_embedding = Embedding(n_users + 1, 
    # 2.1
""" Anime Tags """
animes_tags_input = Input(shape=[1],name='anime_tags')
tags_embedding = Embedding(n_animes_tags + 1, 

#2.2 : tags of future anime in a sequence ???
#my input will be a padded sequence of tags used as a string object <<<<<---- 
inp_shape = max_sequence_len - 1
input_len = Input(shape=[inp_shape], name = "future_tags")
sequence_tags_embeddings = Embedding(tags_total_words, latent_dim)(input_len)
sequence_lstm_cells = LSTM(30)(sequence_tags_embeddings)
future_tags_embedding = Dense(latent_dim, activation='softmax')(sequence_lstm_cells) #???????????? i'm not sure at all 
# then average them
averaged_tags = average([tags_embedding, future_tags_embedding])
#then we need to concatenate all of them
merged_cell =  merge([averaged_tags, animes_embedding, Users_embedding])
# My lstm cells is ready : the structure seems to be an Many to One (may be i'm wrong ?)
n_neurons = 100
lstm_cell = LSTM(30, input_shape=(10, 1))(merged_cell)
result = Dense(1, activation='softmax', name = "Recommendation")(lstm_cell)

LSTM_MODEL = Model([animes_input, animes_tags_input, Users_input, input_len], result)

for the part of "future tags" i use a padded sequence of tags like that :

def get_sequence_of_tokens(corpus):
    ## tokenization
    total_words = len(tokenizer.word_index) + 1

    ## convert data to sequence of tokens 
    input_sequences = []
    for line in corpus:
        token_list = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([line])[0]
        for i in range(1, len(token_list)):
            n_gram_sequence = token_list[:i+1]
    return input_sequences, total_words

def generate_padded_sequences(input_sequences, input_total_words):
    max_sequence_len = max([len(x) for x in tqdm(input_sequences)])
    input_sequences = np.array(pad_sequences(input_sequences, maxlen=max_sequence_len, padding='pre'))
    predictors, label = input_sequences[:,:-1],input_sequences[:,-1]
    label = ku.to_categorical(label, num_classes=input_total_words)
    return predictors, label, max_sequence_len

print("create list ..")
train_tags_anime_list = [get_tags_anime(anime_id) for anime_id in tqdm(train["anime_id"])]
test_tags_anime_list = [get_tags_anime(anime_id) for anime_id in tqdm(valid["anime_id"])]
print("cleaning ...")
train_tags_corpus = [clean_text(x) for x in tqdm(train_tags_anime_list)]
valid_tags_corpus = [clean_text(x) for x in tqdm(test_tags_anime_list)]
print("tokenization ..")
train_tags_inp_sequences, train_tags_total_words = get_sequence_of_tokens(train_tags_corpus)
valid_tags_inp_sequences, valid_tags_total_words = get_sequence_of_tokens(valid_tags_corpus)
print("padd sequence")
train_tags_predictors, train_tags_label, train_max_sequence_len = generate_padded_sequences(train_tags_inp_sequences, train_tags_total_words)
valid_tags_predictors, valid_tags_label, valid_max_sequence_len = generate_padded_sequences(valid_tags_inp_sequences, valid_tags_total_words)


  • You want to build a Stacked LSTM network with multiple features ( what you name parameters is often called features ), this is described in and and

    RNNs and so LSTMs are only able to handle sequential data, however this can be expanded by a feature vector with more than one dimensions ( your ensemble of parameters as described in the answer in )

    The displayed structure of the 6 LSTM cells in 2 layers is a Stacked LSTM network with 2 layers feature_dim = data_dim=6 (or 7) ( number of your parameters / features ) and timesteps=3 ( 2 layers with 3 unit in each layer ) cf section Stacked LSTM for sequence classification in and How to stack multiple lstm in keras? for keras code.

    Setting the accurate input shape is vital cf Understanding Keras LSTMs, your network is many-to-many case. The shape of the input passed to the LSTM should be in the form (num_samples,timesteps,data_dim) where data_dim is the feature vector or vector of your parameters

    Embedding Layers are for One-Hot encoding cf for keras code see and , possibly you could also use simple label encoding ( , )