I am trying to import just one function from a .py file which has a space in its title. Due to external constraints, I cannot rename the file.
My first try was:
from File 1 import my_func
But that got a SyntaxError. Following advice on other StackOverflow, I found ways to import all the functions from a module/file:
exec(open("File 1.py").read())
globals().update(vars(__import__('File 1')))
However, I would like to only import my_func. I would also prefer to do this without using other modules like importlib. Any help is very much appreciated, I am still learning!
Editing the answer as requsted:
Source: How do you import a file in python with spaces in the name?.
Importing single function from a module with spaces in name without using importlib is simply impossible, since your only weapon here is __import__
Your only option is to import the whole module and only keep functions you like. But it still imports the whole module.
Getting rid of spaces and other non-alphanumeric symbols from module names is strongly recommended.
File 1.py
def foo():
def spam():
print("Get out!")
globals()["foo"] = getattr(__import__("File 1"),"foo")