I'd like to write a formula for multiple IF conditions that will show in my cell S23.
My formula:
=if(H23="chex", "chex", IF(I23="EWS", "EWS", IF(H23="removed", "chex", (IF(I23="removed", "EWS", ""))))))))
It works fine, but doesn't capture the last AND condition. I'm not using =IF(OR(H23, ">0" etc
since this cell can also contain "NA". I only want it to capture the "X" or "removed" conditions.
Any idea how to add the last condition: IF both H23 and I23 contain "removed" or "X" / "EWS", respectively, then the result is "X+EWS"?
This worked: =IF(AND(OR(H23="x",H23="removed"),OR(I23="EWS",I23="removed")),"x+EWS",IF(OR(H23="x",H23="removed"),"x",IF(OR(I23="EWS",I23="removed"),"EWS","")))
I modified @pnuts original formula: =IF(AND(OR(H23="X",H23="removed"),OR(I23="EWS",I23="removed")),"X+EWS",IF(OR(H23="X",AND(H23="removed",I23<>"removed")),"X",IF(OR(I23="EWS",I23="removed"),"EWS","TBD")))
Removed parts in bold: AND( H23="removed" ,I23<>"removed")
Specifically, this argument:
from IF(OR(H23="X",AND(H23="removed",I23<>"removed")),"X",
to IF(OR(H23="X",H23="removed"),"X",
Was a team effort. Thank you @pnuts and @user0 for your help! :)