I'd like to have the particle system appear at the end of my project, like confetti. What I have is this, but it is not working, nor is setting the visibility to false, then true. Not sure which attribute I can use to set the visibility off, then on.
<a-entity id="confetti" particle-system="accelerationSpread: 20 0 20; color: white; enabled: false; particleCount: 300; opacity: 0.3; preset: default; size: 0.5; velocityValue: 0 15 0" position="5.584 1.250 -1.4" ></a-entity>
if (score == 7) {
function tada() {
congrats.setAttribute('visible', true);
confetti.setAttribute('enabled', true);
confetti.object3D.visible = false
or confetti.removeAttribute('particle-system')