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ImportError: Could not find 'cudnn64_7.dll' , while importing tensorflow

This is an issue that many of us must have come across. While installing tensorflow, this is one of the error messages that pops up for most of the users. I could not install Tensorflow 1.10.0 due to the following error that I posted a few days back at

ImportError: Could not find 'cudnn64_7.dll'

I am using Windows 10 and was trying to implement

import tensorflow as tf

through Conda environment.

What can I do to resolve this issue?


  • Here is what I did.

    Step 1) Installed 'NVIDIA GEFORCE EXPERIENCE' in my computer to check my Driver version.

    Step 2) The driver version was an old one. Update was available. So I updated my Graphic driver.

    My GPU properties now are:-

    • GeForce 940MX
    • Driver Version 398.82
    • Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @2.50GHz
    • 7.9 GB RAM

    Now, through conda environment ( I created an environment named 'tensorflow' ), when I executed the statement

    (tensorflow) C:\Users\Arnab Sinha>pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-gpu

    I encountered the following message :-

    pandas 0.23.4 requires python-dateutil>=2.5.0, which is not installed.
    pandas 0.23.4 requires pytz>=2011k, which is not installed.

    I then installed the required packages by executing the following commands one after the other

    pip install python-dateutil


    pip install pytz

    after which I ran the command in Python 3.6.6

    import tensorflow as tf

    and then


    which gave the output


    Here is how I installed Tensorflow 1.10.0 into my computer. The Anaconda Navigator however does not have the update of Tensorflow 1.10.0. Please inform me if you have found the update for it.