This is an issue that many of us must have come across. While installing tensorflow, this is one of the error messages that pops up for most of the users. I could not install Tensorflow 1.10.0 due to the following error that I posted a few days back at
I am using Windows 10 and was trying to implement
import tensorflow as tf
through Conda environment.
What can I do to resolve this issue?
Here is what I did.
Step 1) Installed 'NVIDIA GEFORCE EXPERIENCE' in my computer to check my Driver version.
Step 2) The driver version was an old one. Update was available. So I updated my Graphic driver.
My GPU properties now are:-
Now, through conda environment ( I created an environment named 'tensorflow' ), when I executed the statement
(tensorflow) C:\Users\Arnab Sinha>pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-gpu
I encountered the following message :-
pandas 0.23.4 requires python-dateutil>=2.5.0, which is not installed.
pandas 0.23.4 requires pytz>=2011k, which is not installed.
I then installed the required packages by executing the following commands one after the other
pip install python-dateutil
pip install pytz
after which I ran the command in Python 3.6.6
import tensorflow as tf
and then
which gave the output
Here is how I installed Tensorflow 1.10.0 into my computer. The Anaconda Navigator however does not have the update of Tensorflow 1.10.0. Please inform me if you have found the update for it.