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Rectangle Select for RDLC Report Designer in Microsoft Visual Studio 2017?

Does Rectangle Select functionality (viz., click, hold, and drag the mouse to create a selection) exist for the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 RDLC Report Designer?

What I'm trying to do:

After opening an existing RDLC file for editing in Design mode, I want to efficiently make room for a new text box in the middle of the report.

When I attempt to click and drag to select objects to move, the Rectangle Select doesn't appear.

Installation Details

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Professional (v15.8) with two Microsoft Marketplace add-ons installed:

  1. Microsoft RDLC Report Designer for Visual Studio (v14.2)
  2. Microsoft Reporting Services Projects (v1.24)

The project uses NuGet package Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WebForms (v140.1000.523) to display the report.

Deploying and rendering works fine. This question just pertains to moving things in Design view.


  • Rectangle Select seems to trigger only after a click+hold+drag starting from the design surface of the Report Header, Body, or Footer.

    It seems a click+hold+drag starting from anywhere else (e.g., the whitespace outside the report) fails to trigger Rectangle Select.