Is there a way to obtain proper type using approach described below. I have tried make makeInstance() generic but I haven't obtained Extended type. Code below.
class Base {
name = 'foo';
static makeInstance() {
return new this();
class Extended extends Base {
age = 10;
let base = Base.makeInstance() // is Base
let extended = Extended.makeInstance(); //should be Extended
console.log(extended.age); //output ok; age doesn't exists
console.log(;// ok
You can add a generic parameter to the static method to infer the class on which the method is invoked correctly :
class Base {
name = 'foo';
static makeInstance<T>(this: new () => T) {
return new this();
class Extended extends Base {
age = 10;
let base = Base.makeInstance() // is Base
let extended = Extended.makeInstance(); //is Extended
console.log(extended.age); //ok
console.log(;// ok