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AWS lambda call dynamo db through private network or bypass internet traffic

I have a lambda function which runs every 15 minutes and saves some data in DynamoDB.

Now I want to secure the DynamoDB call made by my lambda so that the request does not go via the Internet, rather through Amazon internal network. There is no EC2 instance involved here though.

I have seen a few recommendations for using PrivateLink which binds the Dynamo to VPC endpoints so that calls made from EC2 instances always go via internal network bypassing Internet.

I was wondering such a configuration is possible for lamda calling DynamoDB since lamda itself does not run in any EC2 instance and is rather serverless?


  • The first thing I would say is that all of your traffic between Lambda and DynamoDB is signed and encrypted, so that's typically sufficient.

    There are use cases, most typically compliance reasons, when this is not sufficient. In that case you can deploy the Lambda function into a VPC of your making and configure the VPC with a private VPC endpoint for DynamoDB. Typically, the VPC would be configured without an internet gateway or NAT so that it has no egress route to the public internet. Be aware that your Lambda function startup latency will be higher than usual, because each Lambda function environment needs to attach an ENI for access to the private endpoint.

    See Configuring a Lambda Function to Access Resources in an Amazon VPC.