How to achieve a replacing a string on a particular source file while the source files will be concatenated.
var gulp = require('gulp'),
rename = require('gulp-rename'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
replace = require('gulp-replace');
var config = {
cssConcatFiles: [
gulp.task('css-concat', function() {
return gulp.src(config.cssConcatFiles)
.pipe(replace('url\(\'', 'url\(\'../images/fancybox/'))
// I want to perform this replace to a particular file which is "two.css"
.on('error', errorLog)
This should work. gulp-if
const gulpIF = require('gulp-if');
gulp.task('css-concat', function() {
return gulp.src(config.cssConcatFiles)
//.pipe(replace('url\(\'', 'url\(\'../images/fancybox/'))
// I want to perform this replace to a particular file which is "two.css"
.pipe(gulpIF((file) => file.path.match('two.css') , replace('url\(\'', 'url\(\'../images/fancybox/')))
.on('error', errorLog)
You could use the following pipe instead of the gulp-if call:
.pipe(replace(/url\(\'/g, function(match) {
if (this.file.relative === "two.css") {
return 'url\(\'../images/fancybox/';
else return match;
since gulp-replace
will take a function as an argument and provide that function with a vinyl file reference (this.file
) which you can use to test for which file is passing through the stream. You must, however, return something from the function call even when you want to do nothing - so return the original match.
I recommend using gulp-if
, much cleaner in your case.