I'm new on using leaflet and I'm wondering how do you edit a draggable
option for object than has already been saved in GeoJson
and that you display later on your map.
pldata[index] = new L.GeoJSON(plot[i],{
pointToLayer: function (feature, latlng){
return new L.circleMarker(larlng, geojsonAOs)
style: set_style
pldata['aos'].eachLayer(function (layer){
layer.options.draggable: true;
I've tried also to put the draggable
at true
after style but nothing happen.
P.S : Am I obligated to add DrawItem
for just drag options ?
P.S2 : All object have been transform in circleMarker
or lines
and development that has been done is quiet big so I'm trying to find a solution without break the all curent project.
Thanks for your answer.
Ok I've just update the all leaflet library and after I continue with a eachLayer
and on Layer
.on('mousedown', function(){
map.on('mousemove', function(e){
it's working well to make a circleMarker move.