I'm trying to get my first image classification model working, however,
isn't working, while
Here is some info about my model:
MLModelDescription: MLModelDescription inputDescriptionsByName: {
"input_1__0" = "input_1__0 : Image (Color, 299 x 299)";
} outputDescriptionsByName: {
"output_node0__0" = "output_node0__0 : MultiArray (MLMultiArrayDataTypeDouble, 43)";
} predictedFeatureName: (null)
According to the docs:
This type of observation results from performing a VNCoreMLRequest image
analysis with a Core ML model whose role is classification (rather than
prediction or image-to-image processing).
Vision infers that an MLModel object is a classifier model if that model
predicts a single feature.
That is, the model's modelDescription object has a non-nil value for its
predictedFeatureName property.
At first I assumed when the docs says "prediction", they are referring to regression type model with a value prediction. But now I'm thinking they are referring to softmax prediction probabilities? Thus VNClassificationObservation doesn't output softmax prediction probabilities.
This type of observation results from performing a VNCoreMLRequest image analysis with a Core ML model whose role is prediction rather than classification or image-to-image processing.
Vision infers that an MLModel object is a predictor model if that model predicts multiple features. You can tell that a model predicts multiple features when its modelDescription object has a nil value for its predictedFeatureName property, or when it inserts its output in an outputDescriptionsByName dictionary.
I'm confused by the wording. Does this mean multiple input, multi-output model? Not classification, but prediction, is a also little confusing, but I'm assuming softmax probs due to the output I'm getting.
When I run the code below I get:
let request = VNCoreMLRequest(model: model) { [weak self] request, error in
guard let results = request.results as? [VNCoreMLFeatureValueObservation],
let topResult = results.first else {
fatalError("unexpected result type from VNCoreMLRequest")
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
print("topResult!", topResult)
let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(ciImage: image)
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async {
do {
try handler.perform([request])
} catch {print(error)}
I get back bunch of values:
topResult! Optional(<VNCoreMLFeatureValueObservation:
0x1c003f0c0> C99BC0A0-7722-4DDC-8FB8-C0FEB1CEEFA5 1 "MultiArray : Double 43
[ 0.02323521859943867,0.03784361109137535,0.0327669121325016,0.02373981475830078,0.01920632272958755,0.01511944644153118,0.0268220379948616,0.00990589614957571,0.006585873663425446,0.02727104164659977,0.02337176166474819,0.0177282840013504,0.01582957617938519,0.01962342299520969,0.0335112139582634,0.01197215262800455,0.04638960584998131,0.0546870082616806,0.008390620350837708,0.02519697323441505,0.01038128975778818,0.02463733218610287,0.05725555866956711,0.02852404117584229,0.01987413503229618,0.02478211745619774,0.01224409975111485,0.03397252038121223,0.02300941571593285,0.02020683139562607,0.03740271925926208,0.01999092660844326,0.03210178017616272,0.02830206602811813,0.01122485008090734,0.01071082800626755,0.02285266295075417,0.01730070635676384,0.009790488518774509,0.01149104069918394,0.03331543132662773,0.01211327593773603,0.0193191897124052]" (1.000000))
If these are indeed softmax probabilities, how would I go about getting the index for max value? I can't seem to use .count
or similar array methods.
I tried to cast it as an array, but both of these didn't work l
let values = topResult.featureValue as Array! (Can't convert...coercion)
let values = topResult as Array!
If these are NOT softmax values/probabilities, then would I go about getting the prob. values. I'm trying to get the indices of the top 3 softmax probs.
Thank you.
Attempting this within function: var localPrediction: String? let topResult = results.first?.featureValue.multiArrayValue
DispatchQueue.main.async { () in
var max_value : Float32 = 0
for i in 0..<topResult!.count{
if max_value < topResult![i].floatValue{
max_value = topResult![i].floatValue
localPrediction = String(i)}
When your model is a classifier, i.e. a NeuralNetworkClassifier
in the mlmodel file, then the output is VNClassificationObservation
When your model is not a classifier, i.e. a NeuralNetwork
or NeuralNetworkRegressor
then the output is one or more VNCoreMLFeatureValueObservation
objects that contain the output from your final layer.
So if you expect softmax output in the VNCoreMLFeatureValueObservation
then you need to make sure your model has a softmax as its final layer.
To get the index and value of the maximum element, use:
func argmax(_ array: UnsafePointer<Double>, count: Int) -> (Int, Double) {
var maxValue: Double = 0
var maxIndex: vDSP_Length = 0
vDSP_maxviD(array, 1, &maxValue, &maxIndex, vDSP_Length(count))
return (Int(maxIndex), maxValue)
To use this, first cast the MLMultiArray's dataPointer
to an UnsafePointer<Double>
and then call the argmax()
let featurePointer = UnsafePointer<Double>(OpaquePointer(features.dataPointer))
let (maxIndex, maxValue) = argmax(featurePointer, 43)