Hi I'm using doctrine query builder for execute a query..
This is my query....
return $this->createQueryBuilder('sp')
->select('sp.id, sp.price, sp.offer_price AS offerPrice, sp.price_kg AS PriceKg, '
. 'sp.offer_price_kg AS offerPriceKg, sp.status AS status, s.name AS storename')
->addSelect("(CASE WHEN (sp.name IS NULL) THEN p.name ELSE sp.name END) AS spname")
->addSelect("(CASE WHEN (sp.sku IS NULL) THEN p.sku ELSE sp.sku END) AS spsku")
->addSelect("(CASE WHEN (sp.main_image IS NULL) THEN p.main_image ELSE sp.main_image END) AS sp_main_image")
->join('sp.store', 's')
->join('sp.product', 'p')
->Where('IF(sp.name IS NULL, p.name, sp.name) LIKE :val')
->orWhere('sp.sku LIKE :val')
->setParameter('val', '%' . $search . '%')
Seems like this if condition gives an error,
->Where('IF(sp.name IS NULL, p.name, sp.name) LIKE :val')
This is the error I get,
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 469: Error: Expected known function, got 'IF'
Your syntax is confusing anyway, why don't you do
->where('sp.name IS NULL AND p.name LIKE :val AND sp.name LIKE :val')
In any case, Doctrine does not have a built in "if" function, so if you need something specific you're going to need to program it yourself.