Is there a good way to concisely unwrap an algebraic data type in OCaml? For example, consider the following code that defines two different types of mathematical functions
type ftype =
| Quadratic of {alpha : float; a : float array; aa : float array}
| General of {eval : float array->float}
type myfn = {
nvar : int;
typ : ftype}
let f = {
nvar = 2;
typ = General {eval = fun x-> x.(0) +. x.(1)}}
For debugging purposes, it sometimes nice to just evaluate a function or check its values in the top level. However, if we want to evaluate f, we require a code that looks like
let x = [| 1.; 2. |]
let y = match f.typ with General(f) -> f.eval(x)
This is kind of ugly and a pain to type especially if the layering is several layers deep. I'd like to define some kind of syntax such as
let y = f.typ.General.eval(x)
And, yes, the code is not safe and this will not compile. That said, something close to this would be nice for debugging purposes, so that we don't have to write a lengthy piece of code to unwrap a value. Is there a good way to accomplish this?
If it is just for debugging purposes, you can always write:
let { typ = General { eval; } ; } = f in
let y = eval x in
Of course, the compiler will print you a warning 8 (non-exhaustive pattern matching).
I don't think you can do more concise, sum types are meant to be readable and safe. Not to be quick, sorry.