I want to make matlab agree with the following simple statement:
when x>0, a>0, b<0, x>a
In order to do so I write:
syms x a b
assume(x>0 & a>0 & b<0 & x>a);
And get the following error message:
Error using symengine
Cannot prove '0 <= (x - a)^b'.
Error in sym/isAlways (line 38)
Y = mupadmex('symobj::isAlways',X.s,isMath,['"Unknown' p.Unknown '"'],9);
Why does MATLAB fail to agree with such an evident statement?
I don't know why but instead of using as assumption x>a
, use x-a > 0
. I think MATLAB doesn't "compute" the difference between x
and a
and so it doesn't know if x-a
is greater than 0
or not. So it must already know that x-a
is greater than 0
when you check the condition.