I have two xts objects, R (containing monthly returns) and W (containing a monthly binary indicator showing if a stock is part of an index).
I have created two subsequent variables:
x <- index(W)
y <- index(R)
How do I find the position of element x[1] is in y? Assuming x is a subset of y.
The example below shows the format of x and y.
> head(x)
[1] "2002-11-29 UTC" "2002-12-31 UTC" "2003-01-31 UTC" "2003-02-28 UTC"
[5] "2003-03-31 UTC" "2003-04-30 UTC"
> head(y)
[1] "2000-02-29 UTC" "2000-03-31 UTC" "2000-04-28 UTC" "2000-05-31 UTC" "2000-06-30 UTC"
[6] "2000-07-31 UTC"
I would like to find the position of i where x[1] == y[i]
> x[1]
[1] "2002-11-29 UTC"
You can use function which. Here is example with simulated data:
x<- c(1,2,3,4)