So I have the following code. The merge_files() function basically merges two files (strings) and returns a list. This list is used to feed arguments from an object.
['2.02', '-3.88', '15.25']
['4.40', '-2.36', '14.97']
The problem is that when giving the values directly to the object, the function grade_compass() works fine. When the object pulls the same values from the parser, it doesnt seem to go through this function.
whole code:
from ast import literal_eval
class Compass:
#initialize the attributes
def __init__(self, coordX, coordY, coordZ, Pos):
self.coordx = coordX
self.coordy = coordY
self.coordz = coordZ
self.coord_pos = Pos
def merge_files(infile1, infile2):
with open(infile1) as f1, open(infile2) as f2:
l3 = [] # this is a list for storing all the lines from both files
f1_lists = (literal_eval(line) for line in f1)
f2_lists = (literal_eval(line) for line in f2)
for l1, l2 in zip(f1_lists, f2_lists):
l3.append(l1 + l2)
return l3 # Return all the lines from both text files
def check_step_xrange(coordx):
if coordx > 0.00 and coordx < 7.99:
return "short"
def check_step_zrange(coordz):
if coordz > 4.40 and coordz < 20.00:
return "short"
# Ignore coordy for now
def grade_compass(coordx, coordy, coordz):
if check_step_xrange(coordx) == "short" and check_step_zrange(coordz) == "short":
compass_degree = "compass degree is short"
return compass_degree
def main():
file1 = "coordinates1.txt"
file2 = "coordinates2.txt"
args = merge_files(file1, file2)
# List of instances
compasslist = [Compass(args[i][0], args[i][1], args[i][2], args[i][3]) for i in range(len(args))]
# I just pull the first instance
print "\nThis is the object from the object list"
print compasslist[0].coordx + ' ' + compasslist[0].coordy + ' ' + compasslist[0].coordz + ' ' + compasslist[0].coord_pos
print grade_compass(compasslist[0].coordx, compasslist[0].coordy, compasslist[0].coordz)
print "\nThis is the object manually given"
h = Compass(2.02, -3.88, 15.25, 'P1')
print h.coordx, h.coordy, h.coordz, h.coord_pos
print grade_compass(h.coordx, h.coordy, h.coordz)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The first output return None. When given manually, it works.
This is the object from the object list
2.02 -3.88 15.25 P1
This is the object manually given
2.02 -3.88 15.25 P1
compass degree is short
desired output:
This is the object from the object list
2.02 -3.88 15.25 P1
compass degree is short
This is the object manually given
2.02 -3.88 15.25 P1
compass degree is short
This is the difference between two approaches:
Compass(args[i][0], args[i][1], args[i][2], args[i][3])
Compass(2.02, -3.88, 15.25, 'P1')
In the former, all arguments are string. So you need to cast them (or parse, if you cannot guarantee that the input is always correct:
Compass(float(args[i][0]), float(args[i][1]), float(args[i][2]), args[i][3])