I am fairly new to python is there a fast way to convert decimal to 16-bit fixed-point binary (1-bit sign – 7-bit integer – 8-bit fraction) and back in python.
I would like to manipulate the binary and convert this manipulated binary back to decimal.
Example 1.25 -> 00000001.01000000
Manipulate first fraction part (0->1)
00000001.11000000 -> 1.75
Would really appreciate any help.
If you have N bits in the fractional part then you just need to divide by 2N, since the stored bit pattern is actually the real value multiplied by 2N. Therefore with Q8.8 like in your case you'll have to divide by 256
For your 00000001.01000000 and 00000001.11000000 examples above:
>>> 0b0000000101000000/256.0
>>> 0b0000000111000000/256.0