I'm using Rails 5.2 and CanCanCan.
rails g scaffold Hotel name
rails g scaffold PriceGroup name hotel:references
has_many :price_groups, dependent: :destroy
validates :price_groups, :presence => true
if user.admin?
can :manage, :all
can :read, :all
I want to make sure that a Hotel
always has at least one PriceGroup
How can I configure cancancan to allow an admin to destroy a PriceGroup
only if self.hotel.price_groups.count > 1
I want to use CanCanCan tools to just display a delete button on the WebGUI when possible.
What @meta said is right, you shouldn't be adding your business logic to the ability . Instead you can override the existing destroy
action in your PriceGroup
That makes your logic universal (meaning, even a code outside the CanCan cannot delete the last object).
An example would be
class PriceGroup < ApplicationRecord
def destroyable?
PriceGroup.where(hotel_id: hotel_id).count > 1
def destroy
return super if destroyable?
raise "You cant delete the last price group of hotel #{hotel_id}"
Of course you can make the code more prettier , but you get the idea :)
Adding CanCan ability based on my above example
According to the document here, you may try something like
can(:delete, PriceGroup) { |price_group| price_group.destroyable? }