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Using Backbone and Handlebar to make a table with HTML in a row?

I have a Ruby on Rails app, using Backbone. In the coffee, I have:

class App.Views.TableElement extends Backbone.View
    "change input[name='past_results']": "togglePastResults",
    "change .cohort_toggle select": "selectCohort"

  initialize: (options) ->
    @listenTo(@model, "change", @render)

  render: =>
    console.log @model.toJSON()
    @$el.empty().append(HandlebarsTemplates['shared/table_element'](@model.toJSON(), data: { tableClass: @tableClass() }))
    @$el.find('.cohort_toggle select').val(@model.get("selectedCohortLabel"))

I think that that's the relevant bit.

I'm not going to present the entire model.toJSON output, but it's got headers and rows, like a table should. One of the elements in one of the rows is supposed to be a link. Eventually I think it's going to be a link to javascript I think, but for now, I just want a link to google for testing... So I'm hardcoding the element as '<a href="">Visit google</a>' However, that's getting interpreted with &lt and stuff, so the HTML is what actually appears in the table.

The questions are: Who's escaping my HTML, and how do I make it stop?

The model (parts of it):

class App.Table extends Backbone.Model
  defaults: {
    showPastResults: true

  initialize: ->
    @set("selectedCohortLabel", @get("cohortLabels")[0])

  columns: =>
    columns = []
    Array::push.apply columns, [@get('categories')]
    Array::push.apply columns, @get('currentData')

    Array::push.apply columns, [['<a href="">Visit google</a>', 5, 5]]    if @get('haveDataBytes')

template. All of it because I'm not sure what any of it does... and so it's got columns that the model excerpt doesn't:

<table class="table {{@tableClass}}">
      {{#each headers}}
      <th class="{{this.class}}">
        {{#if }}
          {{ }}
        {{ else }}
          {{ this }}

    {{#each rows}}
      {{#each this}}


  • From the fine manual:

    HTML Escaping
    Handlebars HTML-escapes values returned by a {{expression}}. If you don't want Handlebars to escape a value, use the "triple-stash", {{{.

    Presumably your columns data gets into the model's toJSON return value somewhere. Your template will need some way of knowing when it is dealing with a link so that it can say {{{link}}} instead of {{link}} to keep {{...}} from escaping the HTML.

    Also, you could write your columns method like this:

    columns: ->
      columns = [ @get('categories'), @get('currentData')... ]
      if @get('haveDataBytes')
        columns.push ['<a href="">Visit google</a>', 5, 5]

    to avoid the strange and non-idiomatic use of Array's prototype.