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Linq namespace with RazorEngine

I'm trying to use LINQ extension methods to query some strongly typed collections in a razor view, powered by RazorEngine. The problem is, it doesn't recognize System.Linq namespace; @using System.Linq generates an error in Intellisense:

the type or namespace Linq does not exist in the namespace (are you missing an assembly reference )

I'm looking for a solution without installing WebPages or MVC packages.

Things I have already tried (from other answers for related problems around here):

  • Moving RazorEngine.dll to bin
  • Adding <add key="webpages:Version" value="" /> to app.config
  • Adding <system.web><compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.5.2" /></system.web> to app.config

Each of these measure solved some problems: initially Intellisense didn't work at all, now it recognizes the following System sub-namespaces:

CodeDom, Collections, ComponentModel, Configuration, Data,
Deployment, Diagnostics, Drawning, EnterpriseServices, Globalization, IO, Media, Net, Reflection, Resourcers, Runtime, Security, Text,
Threading, Timers, Web, Windows, Xml

Snippet of my view:

@using RazorEngine.Template
@using System.Linq <!--namespace doesn't exist in System-->
@using Namespace.Of.My.Models
@inherits TemplateBase<ThisPageModel>

<table class="my-table-class">
        @foreach(var item in Model.Children)
                    @item.ListOfThings.First() <!--List<Things> does not contains a definition for First-->                     


  • Simply copy system.core.dll to the bin directory of your project.

    In the past I have also found it necessary to use bin as my build directory instead of bin\debug but this appears to no longer be necessary.