Problem: I'm using laravel forms in combination with Carbon to try and pass a date value to my database. I'm trying to switch the input field format to 24 hours instead of AM/PM, but I keep getting the standard AM/PM format. I tried ->format()
but didn't find the correct solution.
Question: How can I replace the AM / PM Format of the input field to the 24 hours clock?
My code:
{{Form::date('date', \Carbon\Carbon::now(),['class' => 'form-control'])}}
{{Form::time('time', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->timezone('Europe/Brussels'),['class' => 'form-control'])}}
// Input field values:
// Date: 08/16/2018 , Time: 07:47 PM -> 19:47:00
Input result when changing the format:
{{Form::time('time', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->timezone('Europe/Brussels')->format('H:i:s'),['class' => 'form-control'])}}
// Input value of time:
// Time: 08:00:29 PM
You'll need to change your time field to the following
{{Form::time('time', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->timezone('Europe/Brussels')->format('H:i:s'),['class' => 'form-control'])}}
To explain the formatting;
H - 24 Hour with trailing zeros
i - Minutes with trailing zeros
s - Seconds with trailing zeros
You can see all the date/time variables at PHP Date