I'm trying to use peewee to fetch and format some data coming from a sqlite database using GROUP_CONCAT and Case. But I'm facing an issue with those functions.
First let start with what I want to achieve:
I simplified my table structure to better point the problem: 1 simple table with two columns: name (Char), is_controlled (Boolean). This SQL request compute the desired result:
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN is_controlled = 1 THEN name ELSE NULL END, ':') as controlled,
GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN is_controlled = 0 THEN name ELSE NULL END, ':') as not_controlled
FROM component;
Output (which is what I expect to have with peewee):
Here is an script allowing to test my problem:
from peewee import *
db = SqliteDatabase('test.db')
class Component(Model):
name = CharField()
is_controlled = BooleanField()
class Meta:
database = db
raw_data = [
{'name': 'comp1', 'is_controlled': True},
{'name': 'comp2', 'is_controlled': False},
{'name': 'comp3', 'is_controlled': True},
# Populate database
for item in raw_data:
res = Component.select(
fn.GROUP_CONCAT(Case(None, [((Component.is_controlled == True), Component.name)], None), ':').alias('controlled'),
fn.GROUP_CONCAT(Case(None, [((Component.is_controlled == False), Component.name)], None), ':').alias('not_controlled')
print res[0].controlled_count
print res[0].controlled
print res[0].not_controlled
As you can see, the data structure is simple (I simplified at maximum the example). The ouput is:
I inspected the SQL query generated by peewee (using res.sql()) and it looks like that:
sql = 'SELECT Sum("t1"."is_controlled") AS "controlled_count", GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN ("t1"."is_controlled" = ?) THEN ? END, "t1"."name") AS "controlled", GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN ("t1"."is_controlled" = ?) THEN ? END, "t1"."name") AS "not_controlled" FROM "component" AS "t1"'
params = [True, ':', False, ':']
We can see that the ELSE NULL part is missing from the peewee generated SQL request. I have tried several things, like adapting the parameters given to the Case function, but I can not get it to work correctly.
How can correctly use peewee to have the same result as using SQL ?
(I'm using python 2.7.15 with peewee 3.6.4 ans sqlite 3.19.4)
The Case
function's signature provides a clue:
def Case(predicate, expression_tuples, default=None):
Inside the code, it checks:
if default is not None:
clauses.extend((SQL('ELSE'), default))
So, when you're passing None
it's indistinguishable from the "empty/unspecified" case, and Peewee ignores it.
As a workaround you could instead specify SQL('NULL')
as the default value. Or you could use an empty string, although I'm not sure whether you're relying on some behavior of group-concat with nulls, so that may not work?